A Selection of Dr. Golden’s Publications:

  • Theologically-Informed Counseling, originally published by the American Association of Christian Counselors, BCSFN Network, Transformation Magazine

  • Scripture and Neuroscience: An Invitation to Renew the Mind, originally published by the American Association of Christian Counselors, BCSFN Network, Transformation Magazine

  • A Comparison of Current Preferences for the Selection of Counseling Providers and Interventions among Christians and non-Christians, Doctoral Dissertation, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

A Selection of some of our Favorite Resources: 

  • Soul Care and Counseling:

    • The Counsel of Heaven on Earth: Ian Jones

    • God and Soul Care: Eric Johnson

    • Sin and Grace: Mark McMinn

    • Anatomy of the Soul: Curt Thompson

    • Soul of Shame: Curt Thompson

    • Counseling and Psychotherapy: Siang-Yang Tan

  • Renewing the Mind

    • The God-Shaped Brain: Tim Jennings

    • The God-Shaped Heart: Tim Jennings

    • Suffering and the Heart of God: Diane Langberg

    • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Peter Scazzero

    • Brain Lock: Jeffrey Schwartz

    • Switch on Your Brain: Caroline Leaf

    • The Body Keeps the Score: Bessel Van Der Kolk

    • What your Body Knows about God: Rob Moll

    • One Thousand Gifts: Ann Voskamp

  • Parenting

    • The Family: Balswick and Balswick

    • The Whole Brain Child: Dan Siegel

    • Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: John Gottman

    • The Reciprocating Self: Balswick, King and Reimer

    • Talking to Your Kids about Sex: Mark Laaser

  • Singleness, Dating, and Marriage:

    • Sacred Search: Gary Thomas

    • Sacred Marriage: Gary Thomas

    • Family, Marriage, Sex, and the Gospel: David Platt Secret Church Sermon

    • Why Marriages Succeed or Fail: John Gottman

    • Fighting for your Marriage: Markman, Stanley, and Blumberg

    • How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk: John Van Epp

Thriving in the Unknown Video Clip Series

In response to COVID-19, Transformation Counseling is hosting a series called “Thriving in the Unknown,” a short, video-clip series to address emotional and mental well-being during these uncertain times. These videos will be made available weekly and will be posted below. We invite you to subscribe to our youtube.com channel and follow along as we navigate these uncertain times together!

Video 1: What We Are Learning: This video addresses three key lessons we are learning and three areas to keep assessing as we navigate these unusual times together: (1) looking upward, (2) looking inward, and (3) looking outward.

Video 2: Renewing our Minds: This video discusses our mind and body’s response to external stressors (such as COVID-19) and how we can renew our minds to experience God’s peace, joy, strength, hope, sufficiency, and glory, even in times of great trials.

Video 3: Suffer Well: This video addresses our need to suffer well and use this COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to grow closer to God, encourage one another, and join God in His redemptive work to add souls to The Book of Life! We hope you will be encouraged and challenged as you tune in to this session!

Video 4: Anxiety Part One: This video explores the specific purpose of anxiety and the whole-body response to toxic anxiety. The discussion includes a Biblical view of emotions, toxic anxiety, and healing from this condition. Stay tuned for session 5, which will present some coping skills for managing COVID-19 anxiety.

Video 5: Anxiety Part 2: This video continues our discussion on toxic anxiety and offers some practical coping skills to help manage our COVID anxiety. We are invited to add these coping skills to our regular routine to help heal our minds and bodies' response to toxic anxiety physiologically, emotionally, cognitively, behaviorally, and spiritually.

Video 6: Connecting in Isolation: This video encourages viewers that social distancing does not mean social disconnecting. The session presents tricks and tips for nurturing relationships inside the home and out.

Video 7: Balancing Work and Rest: This video explores the importance of balancing work and rest during this COVID crisis. Whether your routine has become increasingly busy & chaotic, slower & less productive, or if the pace of each day is consistently unclear, this video provides tips and encouragements for resting, staying motivated, and extending ourselves grace upon grace during this “ongoing trauma marathon.”

Video 8: Serving Others: This video considers how each of us are uniquely and divinely equipped to respond in Gospel-serving of others during this unusual season in our lives. Christians are encouraged toward the opportunity to be the salt and light of Jesus during a time when our world seems especially bland and dark.

Video 9: New Stepping Stones in the Unknown: This video gives attention to our anticipation of a new season of transition as our country begins considering lifting some of the Coronavirus safety mandates and guidelines. Viewers are encouraged and challenged as we anticipate yet another season of unprecedented transition.

Video 10: “Back” to “Normal”: This video considers how we want to begin influencing and shaping what our lives may look like post-COVID.

Video 11: COVID-19 as Long-term Traumatic Stress: In this video, special guest, Dr. Amy Morgan provides us with an overview of how our brains respond under long term traumatic stress, and frames COVID-19 as such. Dr. Morgan explains how our brains may be currently operating in emergency mode, six tips for regular relief, and some thoughts on what effects to expect post-COVID.